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Among the high society creoles at the Grand Isle, there is one young Spanish girl who resides there, Mariequita. She is described to have a “round, sly, piquant face and pretty black eyes” and small hands in contrast to her “broad and course” feet (Chapter 12). Although not much is known about Mariequita’s past, it is made clear that she has a reputation. During a conversation with Mademoiselle Reisz, Edna learns that Robert and Victor got in a physical fight over her. Mademoiselle Reisz goes on to say, “Oh, she’s a sly one, and a bad one, that Mariequita” (Chapter 16). While she was on the boat with Edna, she was, “deprecatory at one moment, appealing to Robert. She was saucy the next, moving her head up and down, making “eyes” at Robert and making “mouths” at Beaudelet” (Chapter 12).

Edna seems to be disapproving of the young Spanish girl, but Mariequita does have some influence on her character development. For one, Mariequita is someone that acts freely with no apologies and doesn’t concern herself with other’s opinions. Edna is captivated with Mariequita when they meet, staring at her up and down, particularly at her feet which Mariequita “did not strive to hide” even with the “sand and slime between her toes” (Chapter 12) This freedom in behavior is something Edna craves and develops more and more as her story continues. Her observations of Mariequita acting with autonomy and free will was an early inspiration to Edna on her path to independence.

Edna was not the only one who was influenced by Mariequita, Robert was too. During their conversation on the boat, Mariequita asks Robert if Edna is his sweetheart. He doesn’t say no, just that Edna is married with children to which she responds “Oh! well! Francisco ran away with Sylvano’s wife, who had four children. They took all his money and one of the children and stole his boat” (Chapter 12). Mariequita doesn’t think it is out of the question for a married woman to be with another man. If even subconsciously, Robert seemed to take this to heart. He makes several more plans with Edna that allow him to be alone with her. He realizes that he is in love with her, and in just a few chapters, he has run off to Mexico to avoid it.

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